Event: The Green Country Home & Garden Show 2020
THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE PROVIDED FOR EACH 10X10 BOOTH: 8’ BACK DRAPE AND 3’ SIDE RAIL, 1-8' COVERED AND SKIRTED TABLE, 2 FOLDING CHAIRS, 1 WASTEBASKET AND 1-7"X36" EXHIBITOR ID (COMPANY NAME ONLY) SIGN.Lastly, please note that Event 1 Productions does NOT make outbound shipping arrangements for your freight when the show closes. You'll need to make those arrangements in advance through your preferred carrier. The pickup window is from 5:00pm to 7:00pm on Sunday, January 26th. Any freight left in the venue after 7:00pm on January 26th will be forced out through a common carrier, shipped back to your office within 10 business days and incur an additional $0.25 per pound material handling fee, so save money and headaches and be sure to make your pickup arrangements early.
Send an email to mail@event1inc.net or call us at (918) 245-8006 with any additional questions.
The Event 1 Productions Team